If you have popsicle sticks or craft sticks lying around, then this is a simple diy craft project. You will be having an inexpensive photo frame, made by reusing popsicle sticks, at the end of this project. Kids can have great fun putting together and decorating this frame.
All you need for this craft project are 10 craft sticks / popsicle sticks, paints, glue, embellishments, cardboard and your favourite photo.
Glue together two pairs of popsicle sticks together. This will form the vertical base of the photo frame.
Then, glue one popsicle stick, horizontally after leaving a little gap from the top, to join the two vertical pairs of sticks. Repeat this at the bottom end.
Glue one popsicle stick at the top, behind the base frame that you have created in the previous steps.
Similarly, glue two sticks at the bottom, in front as well as behind the base frame.
I painted the whole frame and then painted some design at the right end of the frame.
For the left end of the frame, I took two small pieces of wire. I strung small beads into the wire, twisted them to form the petals of the flower for the embellishment.
You could add any of your choice embellishments at the left end of the frame.
Cut a cardboard to the size of the frame. Paste your favorite photograph to it and stick it at the back of the frame.
This easy photo frame is now available to adorn your mantlepiece or a shelf. You could tie a ribbon at the top of the frame and hang this as an ornament.