Diwali Greeting Clipart
Diwali / deepavali is a widely celebrated Indian festival that marks the victory of good over evil. An array of diyas (lamps) are lit in every home that celebrates this festival and sweets and greetings exchanged.
Here is a diwali greeting clip art that that I have created and is free for download.
Wish your friends, family and loved ones with this diwali greeting.
Just right-click the image and save it in your computer for your use or you could print it.
You are free to use this clipart for your website, or for scrapbook layouts, invitations or you could use it to make gift tags, stickers, greeting cards or labels.
For other diwali cliparts do check out
diwali clipart 1
diwali clipart 2
diwali clipart 3
diwali clipart 4
diwali clipart 5
diwali clipart 6
diwali clipart 7
The following image is of .jpg format