Indian Chinese cuisine is very popular in India and you would find these easily available as street food. Many restaurants also have a section reserved for serving dishes from this cuisine.
Indian Chinese cuisine is the usage of Chinese cooking methods and their seasonings to suit Indian tastes.
It is believed that this cuisine has been developed by the small Chinese community that has lived in Kolkata, formerly known as Calcutta, for over a century.
Some of the dishes like cauliflower manchurian, Szechwan chicken, manchow soup or chilli chicken have become so popular and even kids love these dishes, especially the noodles.
This is a simple Indo-Chinese recipe that uses the Hakka noodles, which are flat noodles made from durum flour.
The noodles are quickly stir-fried with vegetables and seasonings along with sauces are added to it. This vegetable hakka noodles is a quick and simple recipe and is a completely meal by itself.
Indo Chinese Vegetable Hakka Noodles Recipe
Vegetable Hakka Noodles
- 1 packet Hakka noodles
- 1 carrot
- 3 garlic cloves
- 1 inch piece ginger
- 1 capsicum
- 1/2 cup shredded cabbage
- 2 spring onions
- 1 tsp pepper powder
- 2 tsp dark soy sauce
- 1 tsp green chilli sauce
- 1/2 tsp vinegar
- 2 tbsp oil
- Salt to taste
- Chop ginger, garlic and spring onions finely.
- Cut the carrots into julienne.
- Chop cabbage and capsicum lengthwise.
- Boil water in a vessel, water quantity must be enough for the noodles to immerse. Once water starts boiling, add the noodles along with 1/2 tsp oil.
- Cook the noodles for 2 minutes. Then drain the water and pour running water on the noodles to prevent them from sticking and keep aside.
- Heat oil in a wok or pan. Add ginger, garlic and the white portion of the spring onion and fry till garlic turns brown in high flame.
- Add the carrots and cabbage, keep stirring and cook till the raw smell of the vegetables go.
- Then add the capsicum and sauté for a minute.
- Add the soya sauce, green chilli sauce, vinegar, pepper powder and salt and give a good stir.
- Finally add the cooked noodles and stir till the noodles and vegetables get blended. Remove from heat.
- Serve vegetable hakka noodles hot and enjoy!
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